A Typical Workday at Frontier Air Conditioning

6:00 AM – Morning Briefing

The day begins with a team huddle at the Frontier Air Conditioning headquarters. Our dispatch manager reviews the schedule, highlighting any special requests or priority jobs. We discuss any ongoing projects and address any concerns from the previous day.

7:00 AM – On the Road

Our technicians load up their vans with the necessary tools and equipment for the day’s assignments. They prioritize their routes to ensure efficient travel between job sites.

First Stop: Air Conditioning Installation in Mission, TX

  1. Arrive at the residential property and complete a site assessment
  2. Carefully remove the old unit, adhering to proper disposal protocols
  3. Install the new high-efficiency air conditioning system, following manufacturer guidelines
  4. Test the system to ensure optimal performance
  5. Walk the homeowner through the new system’s features and maintenance requirements

Second Stop: Furnace Service in Penitas, TX

  • Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the furnace and ductwork
  • Clean and replace air filters as needed
  • Calibrate the thermostat for accurate temperature control
  • Perform any necessary minor repairs or adjustments
  • Provide the homeowner with a detailed service report and recommendations

3:00 PM – Lunch Break

Our technicians take a well-deserved break to recharge and refuel for the remainder of the day.

Afternoon Assignments: Furnace Repair in La Joya, TX and AC Repair in Sullivan City, TX

The afternoon is dedicated to resolving any urgent repair requests from our valued customers.

6:00 PM – End of Day Debrief

Back at the office, our team reviews the day’s work, addressing any challenges encountered and celebrating successes. We ensure all paperwork and documentation are up-to-date and plan for the next day’s schedule.

Throughout the day, our team upholds Frontier Air Conditioning’s commitment to excellence, providing unparalleled service and creating comfortable, energy-efficient environments for our community in McAllen, TX, and surrounding areas.