Essential DIY Tips for Your AC Maintenance

D & K Heating & Cooling understands that sometimes, homeowners want to have a hands-on approach when it comes to maintaining their cooling systems. Therefore, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide you with some essential do-it-yourself tricks and tips for effective AC maintenance.

First, you need to understand that routine maintenance is key for optimal performance with any AC unit. Maintaining a regular schedule for checks and adjustments not only keep your home comfortable but also lengthens the lifespan of your unit.

One of the easiest and most important things you can do is to replace or clean your AC filters regularly. Over time, dust and debris accumulate on the filter, blocking normal airflow and significantly reducing the system’s efficiency. Ideally, you should aim to change this filter every month during the most intensive use in the summer and winter months and at least once during the fall and spring.

The AC coils and coil fins are also essential components that require regular cleaning. Over time, outdoor condenser coils become dirty and the unit’s performance drops. Although you can never prevent all dirt from reaching the coils, cleaning them once a year can greatly improve system performance.

Debris should also be cleaned from the area around the condenser unit. Foliage, yard debris and other items can intrude into the cabinet area, reducing system capacity and reducing airflow.

Next, you may want to check on the coil fins. These aluminum fins can bend easily, which can block airflow through the coil. Thankfully, a tool called a “fin comb” can be purchased at most home improvement stores to comb these fins back to nearly their original condition.

It’s also important to check your unit’s refrigerant level as too much or too little refrigerant will make your system less efficient. Adjusting the refrigerant level can be complicated and should ideally be done by a professional.

Finally, remember to call D & K Heating & Cooling for a yearly maintenance check-up. Although these DIY tips will help keep your unit running smoothly, a professional knowledge and expertise are necessary for a thorough check-up.

At D & K Heating & Cooling, we have a team of professionals who have the experience to service any AC system. Once a year, call us to get your system inspected and adjusted. We’re local in Omaha, NE and understand the specific needs of our community.

Please note that these DIY tips are general and might not apply to all AC systems. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guide for specific instructions regarding your particular AC system.

For any further concerns and professional service needs, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our main aim is to keep your home comfortable all year round, with a well-maintained cooling system being a crucial part of that equation. With the combined efforts of your DIY upkeep and our professional maintenance, you can ensure optimal performance from your AC all summer long.